Podcasts fail because they lack a clear focus

The number #1 reason branded podcasts fail is because not enough consideration was given from the get-go.

Like any form of content marketing, your podcast needs to align with your business goals and interests of your target market.

Your podcast should begin with a detailed podcast strategy. Start with your “why”: why are you doing it and how does it fit in with your overall business goals?

For business experts and thought leaders, for instance, ideally you want to build your authority and reputation in the market. A podcast is one of the most powerful ways to amplify your credibility and authenticity. Your market gets to know you far more intimately than other forms of media.

Don’t get into podcasting for reasons other than providing genuine value to your market.

Here are some wrong reasons to start a podcast: 

Following a trend

Jumping on the podcasting bandwagon simply because it's a popular trend without considering how it fits into the overall marketing strategy or whether the target audience actually consumes podcasts.


Copying competitors

Launching a podcast solely because competitors have one, without considering whether it aligns with the business's brand, goals, or target audience.



Starting a podcast as a vanity project to showcase the founder's or CEO's expertise or to stroke their ego, rather than focusing on providing value to the audience.


Lack of content strategy

Starting a podcast without a clear content strategy or understanding of the topics, themes, and formats that will resonate with the target audience, leading to inconsistent or irrelevant content.


Solely for sales promotion

Using the podcast primarily as a platform for overt sales pitches or product promotion, rather than providing valuable and informative content that genuinely benefits the audience.


Short-term mindset

Expecting immediate results or a quick fix to business challenges, rather than viewing podcasting as a long-term strategy for building brand awareness, authority, and trust with the audience.


This is blog article covers the first of Seven Deadly Sins of Podcasting. For the other six, you’re welcome to download the guide below.


How to write a great podcast episode titles and show notes